Friday, July 31, 2009

Starting the Blog

So I'm exhausted (Friday morning around 1am) but I can't sleep so I decided to get started on this thing - which has been kicking around in my head from about day 3. I seriously want to return calls messages to folks asking how i'm doing, but we all know that returning calls is something i fail at miserably.

Turns out I fail at it even more miserably when i'm downing pain meds.

Hence the efforts here. I can update one source, and everyone who cares can know. Makes the slacker in me dance with joy.

I'll be posting a bunch more tomorrow, once am able to upload some photos. I will also be going to a my first post-op appointment with my surgeon, so I should learn tons about where we go from here.

Until then, here's the gist.

I was rock climbing at an area known locally as Exit 38, east of Seattle just off I-90.

I fell badly.

More details about the route and the climb and the fall and the fun we had afterwards another time. (I do want to note that we were climbing safely. I can't think of anything we could have done to prevent this from happening. And, trust me, I've been over it in my mind more than once.))

It appears that I managed to break both ankles on the way down. One was pretty catastrophic, with bone sticking out and my foot hanging off at the wrong angle. This required immediate surgery (obviously) and I was rushed quickly to Overlake Hospital in Bellvue.

The other wasn't (mostly) confirmed until the day I left the hospital. At first, i though it was just a little banged up and the muscles were a little strained. We're pretty sure now that there is a small fracture (Which hardly shows on an x-ray) that is preventing me from doing much with my left foot. I'm hoping to learn more about what's wrong, and what I'm going to be doing about it, at my appointment tomorrow.

Fast forward 5 days, and I'm lying inn a hotel bed near my house. Not actually in my house, which not only has stairs, but - most importantly - also has no air conditioning. If you haven't heard, we've got a major heat wave going out here right now and I have no interest in sweating through 100+ degree while immobile with my legs elevated.

Add to it that the heat is pretty darn humid and extremely still (we've actually had Stagnant Air warnings issued by NOAA).

Add to all that, that houses in this part of Washington are simply not designed to deal well with extreme heat, something they've never had much need for.

Last, but definitely not least, add the fact that my gas fireplace is putting off heat even though it is switched off. I'm not sure what the deal is, but the glass front is hot to the touch. As is if it wasn't hot enough inside already. Hope to get this sorted soon, to say the least.

So off to the hotel we go. (Thanks Mom!)

My mom came out to join me Monday. Partly because she can't help NOT helping. Partly because she know that I'm going to need LOTs of help. And mostly just because she's my mom. My dad has stayed home for now, he's taking care of things on the home front so that my mom can be here. I know that he wants to come help so badly that it's nearly killing him, but for now, it's actually easier for me to just have Mom here. Too much confusion if everyone was here; a too many cooks in the kitchen sort of thing. But I'm hoping that he will be coming out here very soon and we're talking about it now.

In case you didn't notice, I'll point it out: my parent's freakin' rock. I love them dearly and do not know what in the world I would do without them.

My current pain level? The awesome folks at OverLake would certainly ask (0 is no pain at all, 10 is the worst you can imagine). I'm somewhere around 3 or 4 right now. Enough that it definitely bothers me. Not so much that I couldn't manage to write all this. I will hopefully be asleep soon and it will be gone entirely for a couple hours.

In any event, that's all for now.

Good night and thanks for coming.


  1. Jim thanks for writing all this down!

  2. Amazed at how you can wax poetic while drugged up - impressive!!

  3. I'm glad I found this site, my boyfriend broke both his ankles over the weekend and I have so many questions that the nurses never seem able to answer, most of which I'm sure to find on here!
    (His was similar, broke one in a biking accident, but they didn't realise the other was broken too till much later).
    Hope you're well on the road to recovery now!

  4. Interesting stuff, August 5 2011 I broke both ankles falling over a pavement in Europe. Nothing as exciting as rock climbing for me. Going to read through your blog looking for tips for recovery!

  5. Hi Ankletta!

    I'm sorry to learn you've also broken both ankles. It's not fun! And probably not how you had intended for your Europe trip to go!

    My best tips for recovery are:
    Stay off the ankles as much as possible when the docs tell you should be off of them. Let them heal.

    Then, once they say you can weight them again (which should be now if you broke 'em back in early August) work your tail off in PT. Do everything they say you should do, and then do it an extra time or time for good measure. Putting in the time and effort on the physical therapy side really does pay dividends.

    Best of luck!
