Sunday, August 21, 2011

After the MRI

I'm afraid that I haven't been very good when it comes to keeping this thing updated. I did have a chance to look at the MRI after I returned from my recent trip to CO/UT/ID (some great hiking and backpacking!) and I learned that my ankle is pretty well toast.

I hardly have any cartilage left in the main ankle joint, and the bone surfaces are showing significant signs of deterioration and bone loss (both tibia and talus) - which I gather is typical of serious arthritis. Even my uneducated eye could see that thing do not look good. The subtalar joint is showing signs of wear, but looks pristine compared to the main ankle joint.

My doc was very surprised at just how well I'm getting around, given what he could see in the MRI. He's advised me to just keep on keepin' on for as long as I can. While surgery is in the future, I'm hoping that I'll be able to put it off for another year or more.

Two weeks ago (actually, the very day I got to see my MRI), I got out rock climbing for the first time since the accident. Since then, I've been out three more times. I've definitely developed a bit of a fear of heights (something I never had before) which has been interesting to work through. But it's been fantastic to be back on the rock.