Friday, July 31, 2009

First Post-Op Appointment

So this has been a simply exhausting day.

First a very long appointment with Dr. Idjadi. Followed by CT scans. Followed by picking up a wheel chair. I now have crutches (can't use right now), a walker (ugh, but way more stable for me than crutches) and a wheel chair. I'm still trying to get used to the idea that i am not going to be independent for quite some time. I don't like it.

The post-op appointment was definitely not as positive as we all would have liked.

My left ankle is definitely broken. Weighed my options, and since I'm more focused on long term recovery than on near term convenience, my left ankle is now in a bright green fiberglass cast. So far, I actually like the protected and secure nature of the cast; we'll see how long that lasts.

News is worse for my right ankle. Not only did I really break it quite badly (a big plate, 10+ screws, several ligament anchors and some tendon repair), but at least one bone fragment that wasn't visible during the surgery is now visible by x-ray. If I recall correctly, its a small part of the fibula, and will need to be screwed back to the main section of the bone.

Additionally the talus (sort of the hinge bone directly beneath your tibia and fibula), should sit in the u-shaped channel created by the tibia and fibula in such a way that it is centered between the tib and fib. Right now, it is definitely not centered.

All this means that I will be going in for additional surgery. Yuck. It will be 10-14 days from now, as I wait for the extensive swelling in my ankle to reduce.

I'm also looking at a tentative, and optimistic timeline of 3 months before I'm tentatively walking again and 6 months before I'm active again. Ouch.

I hope to have some time tomorrow to post more photos, and more about what I learned today. For now, good night.

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