Saturday, June 11, 2011

Back to the Doc.

So, things had been progressing just fine. I was out of PT and had even gotten backpacking a couple times. I was in the gym late-winter/early-spring, getting in shape for climbing and hiking season... and then my ankle starting giving me more and more problems. Mostly nothing big, just soreness, but occasionally there were days when it was painful enough that it was hard to walk.

So I got myself back into PT, and kept at it. A couple winter backpacking trips on snowshoes (very tame, nothing extreme) aggravated my ankle, so I laid off a bit, but kept stretching and strength training. Still no progress.

Eventually, I got myself back to the Doc, only to learn that I basically have no cartilage left in my main ankle joint, between the talus and heads of the tib/fib. Fusing my ankle is somewhere in my future, and I'm not real pleased about it.

For now, I'm gritting my teeth, taking some ibu, and carrying on. Once the pain gets bad enough, though, I'll be in for more surgery. And then recovery all over again. Have I mentioned that I'm not real pleased about it?

Just had an MRI on Friday, to determine just how much cartilage is left and whether or not I'm doing any damage to the peroneal tendons which (as I understand it) run through a small notch between the talus and the head of the fibula.

More soon.


  1. Jim,

    Thanks for all the work you did on this blog. It has been very helpful to me as I have been recovering from a similar situation. On June 11 I broke my Talus in my left foot and my Tibia in my right after falling about 20 feet in to rocks. I've followed along your blog to compare my progress and just wanted to say Thanks!

    Also, just a quick question. What was the date of your original injury? It seems like your first blog entries must have been a little way in to recovery.

    I hope your recent cartilage problems are not keeping you from all the great things you love to do outdoors man! I know I'm missing everything I normally do in the summer!

    Thanks again,


  2. Hi Andy!
    I'm very sorry to learn that you've gotten hurt so badly. Ankle injuries are no fun, and are definitely made worse when you've broken both of them.

    I am glad to learn that you've come across this blog and found it useful. To answer your question, I was hurt July 25. My first posts to the blog weren't too far after the date of injury. I was fortunate to have an outstanding surgery team, and remarkable family support - both of which helped me heal faster than I otherwise might have.

    My ankle is pretty well toast. I just went over an MRI with my surgeon, and there just isn't much cartilage left. Bone loss/deterioration as well. Right now, it looks like the only solution will be further surgery to fuse the ankle. I can still get around okay most days, though, so I'll be putting that off as long as possible.

    I have been able to get outside recently (hiking, backpacking and even climbing) which has been most excellent. I can definitely sympathize with your frustration at sitting inside when it's awesome out. Be patient; you'll be out there again soon. (I went backpacking for my one year anniversary.)

    Take care, and best of luck,
