Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day 57: After a week of work

So I've finished a week of physical therapy, and a week back at work. Physical therapy has been okay so far. Since I can't put any weight on my ankle, it's mostly been stretching and core exercises (working glutes, quads, hip flexors, abs, etc.) so that I'll have the strength to walk once I reach that point.

I, of course, have home exercises to do, and I've been doing about twice as many as suggested. Any lack of recovery won't be from lack of trying on my part!

The only item of concern so far is that my Achilles has been extremely swollen (two to three times as wide as normal). My physio was able to get some of the swelling down with ultrasound and massage, and that allowed us to see and feel a knot right at the junction of my calf muscles and my Achilles. Looks like I must have injured it at some point. I just hope it isn't injured too badly!


  1. I wanted to ask you how long did it take you to rid yourself of the atrophy in your legs i find myself in a similar situtation..

    1. Hi Rin! Well, there are sorta two answers:

      I don't know that my right calf ever recovered completely, it always stayed a little skinnier than the left (and it will be interesting to see how it works out now that my ankle is fused).

      While I don't know precisely, I would guess that my muscles had largely recovered within a couple months of being active again. It wasn't overnight, but neither did it take ages.

      I hope that helps!

  2. I see thank its only my right leg that i have atrophy its about 2 and a half inches smaller and i was wondering ho long i'd take. mine is caused from cp it was never noticable till i broke my ankle one legs shorter than the other so while i proably won't stop limping at least i can start using my muslces in it again

    1. Hi Rin! I'm sorry I'm not able to be more specific. I do think you'll find, however, that once you start using the muscles, they'll regrow surprisingly fast (just make sure you're eating plenty of protein so your body has something to build with). Good luck!
