Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day 46 - One Cast Down, or Out of the Cast and Into the Boot

So I had an appointment with my doc yesterday, and my left ankle is now out of a cast! Instead, it's all immobilized in this big black boot/splint. It's still not supposed to be weight bearing, but least now I can wash my leg and stretch my ankle. I will hopefully start physical therapy this week.

My right ankle is in a new RED cast (Go State!) and will be for another two weeks.

I didn't have new x-rays taken, but my doc pushed and poked and prodded my ankles pretty thoroughly and we didn't find any pain. This apparently indicates that the bones are healing well.

I expect my left ankle will remain in the boot for two to four weeks, and then move to a splint. My right ankle will remain in its cast for another two weeks and then be put into a boot where it will remain for two to four weeks.

Blood flow out of my right ankle remains an issue. Every time I hobble around on my walker, I look down to see purple toes. But it's improving, and I hope to be returning to work before too long.



The new boot is this heavy plastic footbed, with aluminum stays up the side, and a big neoprene wrap and six straps to keep my foot and ankle in place. I was trying to describe it to somebody and said: "it's sorta like Darth Vader meets neoprene." Now I'm jokingly referring to it as my "Darth boot". (You'll notice that I put in an orange Superfeet footbed, which looks a little silly but makes the boot much more comfortable.)




  1. The Superfeet Footbed somewhat resembles a tongue sticking out of your boot.....

    Perhaps draw eyes on your sock and hot-glue some sort of nose as a craft project when you get a bit more bored?

    Congratulations on this next step in your recovery!

  2. Yay for progress :)

    I am glad you went for red this time. I know your choice in VT colors caused us to lose against ECU.
