Saturday, August 29, 2009

Day 35 - Same ol', same ol'

Nothing new to report. Still concentrating on keeping my foot up. Blood flow out of my ankle is improving, but only little by little. Still a long way to go.

My dad left on Thursday. He's returned home to take care of things there for a couple weeks, and will be coming back out later in September. My mom, ever the trooper, is still here. Don't know what I would do without them!


  1. Ennui is a true killer.

    Now that you have wandered to the dark side with facebook, perhaps you could even go further and try some online games to burn hours and recovery time?>

  2. Hi Jim - we are at Brian's and just found out about your accident. Wow! Hi to your mom - I know she and your dad are so glad they could be there for you. But there were better ways to get them to Seattle!

    Sue Davis
