Thursday, August 13, 2009

Second Surgery

So the second surgery on my right ankle was Tuesday evening. It apparently went quite well.

It's my understanding that I had a long conversation with my surgeon about it that night. Unfortunately, I was still all doped up and don't remember any of it. Lucky for me, my surgeon realized that I wouldn't remember a thing so he also talked with my folks at length. As I wrote above, surgery apparently went quite well.

The large bone fragment did, in fact, turn out to be a piece from the end of my tibia. I'm still amazed that it ended up on the other side of my ankle below my fibula. It was too badly damaged to reattach to my tibia, however, so it was simply removed.

A large screw was also inserted to connect the lower ends of my tibia and fibula. This stabilizes the ankle by providing a secure channel for the talus, or top ankle bone. It does, however, limit the range of motion of your ankle pretty severely. The plan is to remove this screw in about 12 weeks, after the tendons and ligaments in my ankle have had a chance to heal.

I was pretty out of it when I got home, and in a fair amount of pain yesterday morning. That seems to have resolved itself, and now I'm back in the land of trying to keep my ankles elevated as much and as often as possible.


  1. So glad things went well on round two. I think you've got the hard stuff behind you now (namely breaking the ankles and putting them back together). Now just eat your veggies and heal up! :) We miss you at work.

  2. Glad to hear that the surgery went well, buddy. Know that you continue to be in all of our prayers.

    Love ya man,

  3. Thanks and thanks! I'll get right on those veggies, Liz...

  4. Hey Jim,

    I'm glad your surgery went well and hopefully, you won't need another one. Of course, now you have physical therapy to look forward to, which will be a huge relief after being inactive. AKA: PT or Paid Torture.

    House is awesome, so have a good time watching that series.

    Cheers :)

