Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Why So Elevated?

When I did all this damage to my right I ankle, I managed, thankfully, not to do any serious damage to the major veins and arteries in my ankle. No blood spurting from the wound or anything like that. Instead my tibia just shredded a tendon on its way out of my leg.

While I didn't damage the big vessels, I did wreak absolute havoc on all the small veins and lymph vessels all around my ankle. This means that blood gets down to my ankle okay, but doesn't get pumped back up very efficiently. Apparently this will take care of itself over the next six months or so, and will be much improved once I'm able to start flexing the ankle and working the muscles.

In the meantime, however, whenever my right foot is down, it fills with blood. If I leave it down for long (more than a couple minutes), it ends up turning a pretty dark shade of red and swelling noticeably and painfully. Only solution for now is to keep it elevated at or above the level of my heart. This is fine when I'm at home, thanks to a super comfy travel recliner I borrowed from some friends (it had proven its worth helping them recover from surgeries and injuries). But it is pretty darn difficult anywhere else.

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