Friday, August 21, 2009

Day 27 - Orthopedics Appt.

Back to the doc today. Everything looking good, so the final sutures were removed from the outside of my right ankle and replaced by steri-strips. My right ankle was put in a cast rather than back into a splint, and it will probably be there for a month.


Swelling is so far down it actually looks like my foot again! As always, surprising how far my leg has atrophied.


This was right after the sutures were removed, and before the incision was steri-stripped. Looks SO much better than it did 3 weeks ago!


So now I've got two casts - my left is in sort of a burgundy/cabernet/merlot color and the right is in blaze freakin' fluorescent orange. (Really, the orange is crazy bright. The photo doesn't begin to do it justice.)

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