Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Old Proverb

You know that old proverb about crying because you had no shoes until you saw a man who had no feet. Well, life has a way of keeping things in perspective.

I saw a guy in a wheel chair the other day (I suspect that you notice them more when you're in one yourself. Sort of like the car thing where you notice your model of car all over the place once you've purchased it. Anyway...), so I glanced over to see what might have happened to him.

Well, first I noticed that he wasn't wearing any casts.

So I gathered that it must be more of a permanent thing rather than a recent injury.

Then I noticed that he didn't have any legs.

And that he only had one arm.

Which he was using to push himself alongside his wife while she ate ice cream.

I hurt, and my plans for this fall have sure been drastically altered. And if it wasn't for the support being provided by friends and family, I'd really be struggling (thank you thank you thank you!).

But, really, I'm doing just fine.

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