Monday, February 13, 2012

First Post-Fusion Appointment

I had my first post-op appointment today, after the ankle fusion. Doc and PA were definitely surprised to hear how quickly I was off pain meds. Incisions are healing nicely, and swelling, though visible, was fairly minimal. The only incision in my ankle was along the outside, but not up the main incision, instead it was along the line of one of the minor incisions from the last surgery. When this is all said and done, I'll have two pretty significant scars running up the outside of my ankle. I did get a new cast, in the same burgundy color I've had before.

Mom took some pics, and I'll get them posted before long.

I did learn a little more about the recovery plans. I'll be in the cast for four weeks, no weight bearing. Assuming that the fusion is going well and the bones are growing together, I'll move from the cast to a rigid boot at the end of four weeks (six weeks after surgery) and will probably be allowed partial weight bearing for the next four weeks (10 weeks after surgery). At that point, I'll probably be allowed to put my full weight on the ankle, but will still be confined to the boot. At some point after that, I'll switch to normal shoes. Full bone fusion will probably take about four months total, if I remember right.

Things continue to go well, and I have very little pain. The biggest issue is just keeping my foot elevated to minimize swelling.

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