Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A quick note about the original fall

Just a quick note to clarify the accident that started all this. Most everyone that learns that I broke my ankles in a climbing accident assumes that I fell to the ground (or "decked out") and broke my ankles on impact. While many climbing injuries certainly do happen that way, that wasn't the case here.

Instead, I slid down an angled slab of rock. I probably slid 20 or 30 feet before the rope brought me to a stop. At that point, I was still 20 or 30 feet off the ground. As I slid, my feet caught (either in a crack, or on a bump, I don't know which). My momentum kept me sliding, even though my feet were stopped, and that's what did such terrible damage to my right ankle.

Nothing much new to report today. Pain level is still pretty low, but I still have to keep my foot quite elevated.

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