Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Images from Post-Op

So, after a crazy last week, I'm finally posting images from my post-op appointment.

The first are three x-rays, showing the two huge screws holding everything together. If I remember the doc correctly, they are 6.5 mm in diameter. The other smaller screws and anchors are left over from earlier surgeries.

I think I mentioned in an earlier post that the surgery ended up only being a single incision on my ankle, and another very small incision at my knee. They are healing nicely, as you can see here:

And finally, for everyone that wanted to see what I look like with a full beard, here's a pic. My parents didn't even recognize me at the airport!


  1. That is pretty extreme facial hair, there, mister. No wonder your poor parents were confused. But those laughing eyes I'd know anywhere! :D Glad to hear you're being looked after while you're on the mend again...

  2. Yeah, my parents recognized me once I started walking towards them and smiled. :)
